The Most Effective Way to Keep Bedbugs at Bay

Have you been hearing horror stories of bedbug infestations and you’re wondering how to protect your household from these pests? Well, if you have answered yes to this question, then you are definitely in the right place. Bedbugs are some of the smallest pests, about the size of an apple seed. However, they can cause mammoth destruction in homes and institutions. Read below for the best tips for Utah bed bug control.
Best Bed Bug Control
Homes, school dormitories and hotels all over Utah have struggled with the enormous task of preventing bedbugs from invading. Well, fortunately for you, here at Beeline Pest Control, we have drawn from our many years of experience to sieve out the myths and present to you the most effective ways to keep your home free from bedbugs for a long time to come.
- Vacuum clean on a regular basis
The accumulation of dust and clutter attracts bedbugs since it gives them an excellent hiding spot. In order to combat this, be sure to vacuum your house regularly while paying attention to the areas that receive less traffic including attics, the area behind doors, openings into crawlspaces and other cracks or crevices that may be hiding bedbugs.
- Get regular professional inspections
Some may think it’s a waste of money to hire a professional to inspect your house for bedbugs. But in reality, the cost of having an inspection is far less than the price you’ll have to pay to get rid of a full-blown bedbug infestation. As the best exterminators in Salt Lake City, Beeline Pest Control boasts of having the most qualified technicians who are all expertly trained to identify and eliminate early signs of a bedbug infestation, thereby keeping your home pest-free.
- Take extra care of your beddings
Bedbugs love warmth and carbon dioxide. For this reason, they are almost always found in beddings, hence the name bedbugs. In order to give yourself a good night sleep without the distraction of bedbugs, make an effort to regularly wash your blankets, bedspreads and bed sheets then heat-dry them under high temperature. This reduces the chances of any unwanted pests harboring in your bed.
- Sanitize second-hand articles
Flea markets bear their name for a reason. For most people who visit garage sales, it isn’t common for you to purchase second-hand furniture, carpets or upholstery. However, by doing this you may be unknowingly welcoming bedbugs into your home. For this reason, always spray second-hand articles with an insect-killer before bringing them to your house. If you can get professional cleaning, the better.
- Look out for bedbugs when you travel
To ensure that you don’t ferry any bedbugs when out on a trip or camping, keep a watchful eye to identify any pests in the vicinity. If you spot a bedbug in your hotel room or dormitory, don’t hesitate to inform the relevant authorities. By doing so, you will not only have saved yourself but also you’ll also have spared your colleagues and other future guests from the unpleasant experience of dealing with bedbugs.
Choose The Top Bed Bug Control in Utah
When it comes time to choose the best bed bug control company, look to Beeline Pest Control Utah for all your pest control needs. Give us a call today at (801) 544-9200.