Professional vs. DIY Pest Control

There are both advantages and disadvantages to professional and DIY in anything, the same is true for pest control. This makes it more important than ever to weigh the pros and cons of each, making a decision that will be best for your home. Take a look at the obvious differences to determine if professional or DIY pest control is the right choice for you.


Hand giving money

DIY is initially cheaper when dealing with pest control. You can buy the basic chemicals that can be used to eliminate the pests from your home. While this may be sufficient for some, other homeowners may find that this cheap alternative is not enough. These pesticides you can buy in the store yourself are often not as effective, potentially giving pests an easy barrier to break into your home.


Man Checking time

The convenience with DIY pest control is that you can make the effort to apply the treatment at any time you are available. With a professional pest control company, sometimes it can be difficult to find a time that works for them to come to do the treatment.

However, it can be less convenient for you to make time in your schedule to do the treatment yourself. If you don’t have experience, this could take an extended amount of time to complete. With a professional service, all you need to do is be present to let them in, the rest of the work is done by the professionals.


As with any chemical, those used with pest control can be a risk if not used properly. When taking care of pest control on your own, it is important to carefully read labels, correctly apply the substance. This becomes even more important if you have pets or children in your home.

Professional pest control services have years of knowledge and experience, guiding them in the proper ways to control pests in the home. Make sure that you read reviews written by other customers before choosing the right pest control company for you.


Dead hornet

Depending on the store you purchased from, you can sometimes return the DIY pest control product if it isn’t effective. This can be potentially difficult to get your money’s worth back. With many pest control companies, make sure you ask about their warranty before making your decision. For routine pest control, many will return to your home without charging an additional fee if a problem arises.

Make sure you weigh the advantages and disadvantages of your planned pest control method. Ensure your home is protected from pests, giving the treatment you need.

Related Questions

Pest control is something that almost every household has had to deal with at some point, whether through DIY or professional assistance.

To provide you with a better understanding of how pest control works, we’ve answered some frequently asked questions.


You can familiarise yourself with the most frequent chemicals used by exterminators to kill bugs to obtain a better sense of the goods they employ.

Insecticides contain active chemicals such as fipronil, bifenthrin, abamectin, cyfluthrin, and hydramethylnon.

A treatment every couple of months is good for most households, depending on your property and the pests that are currently present.

For all your pest control needs, visit our website ( Beeline Pest Control )and contact us today for a free estimate so we can get rid of those nasty pests once and for all.