With the onset of the winter, we face the possibility of a stink bug infestation. Utah is home to nine species of stink bugs, and all of them earn their title: stink bugs have a tendency to spray a foul-smelling glandular odor whenever they’re disturbed. So getting rid of these little stinkers can be a little tricky, but it’s possible. Here are four ways to beat the stink:
- First, DON’T CRUSH THEM! You can recognize a stink bug by its shield-like shape. If you look closely (but not too closely!) you can usually see that a stink bug’s body is divided up into five sections. A crushed stink bug means the release of that stinky glandular spray. If you crush a stink bug, you’ll have a smelly mess on your hands.
- Seal off your house. Make sure there are no cracks in the cement of your foundation. In the winter, replace your outside screens with storm windows and install a storm door. Don’t give the little bugs any place to get inside.
- Pull out the vacuum. If you’ve been unfortunate enough to find a stink bug inside the house, suck it right up. But make sure to get the vacuum bag out of the house as soon as possible – if you’d rather the aroma of your home not be described as “stinky,” that is.
- Make sure your home is sprayed. Your home should be sprayed periodically for bugs of all kinds. For a Utah pest control company that won’t cut corners, contact Beeline Pest Control.