Expect More Pests Due to a Mild Winter

We all must admit that walking outside in the middle of February expecting to get hit by frigidly cold air but being surprised by the warmth of the sun is a great feeling. This is why so many people love mild winters but, unfortunately, there are some cons to such mild winters. One of the most frustrating downfalls for homeowners and those suffering with entomophobia is that, once early spring comes along, you will notice an increased population of pests compared to years that have normal, cooler winters. Yes, mild winters bring more pest infestations. Keep reading to get answers to important pest questions you may have after a mild winter:

Why should I expect more pests after a mild winter?

The reason why we come across an abnormally high number of pests after a mild summer is quite simple. Typically insects thrive in warm temperatures then die off during the cooler, freezing winter. When we have warmer temperatures during the winter, more pests not only survive but also have more time to lay eggs and reproduce. Winters are supposed to keep pest populations under control but when more pests are able to survive throughout the winter, their populations don’t die off which only leads to more pest infestations.

How am I affected by increased insect populations?

First of all, as much as you would like to deny it to yourself, you must expect more pests during the springtime. Not only will the pests be present in larger populations, but they will also appear earlier in the year. They will have a longer amount of time to grow as well so, come summertime, you may or may not notice the bugs to be bigger not only in population but in size too. You also may come across insect species that you have never seen in your area. This is because bugs that stayed away from cooler climates in the past are finding out that they are able to survive in more locations now. Also, the lack of cool temperatures not only means that insects will be able to survive through the winter, but so will pests’ diseases that kill off crops. This is very unfortunate for farmers because it hinders several crops such as corn, wheat, and rice. This could very easily impact prices of such essential foods at the grocery store due to such a low supply.

What can I do to combat the insects?

Unfortunately we cannot control the weather; but there are things we can do to prepare for such pesky conditions. Preventive pest control is very important so check all of your doors, windows, cracks, and crevices throughout your house to ensure they are sealed so that the bugs can’t get into your home. Also, take good care of your yard early on and throughout the entire summer so that it doesn’t get infested by common pests that destroy yards. Quarterly sprays from a pest professional can also a solution so that you can assure that any bugs that may survive through various seasons will be taken care of.

If warmer winters continue to be a common occurrence throughout several parts of the US, there will be more bugs year round and the pest infestations will only become bigger and more frequent. Be prepared for more bugs and undergo the necessary upkeep in order to keep your home’s pest condition under control.