While you may not realize it, the daily habits you practice could be inviting pests into your home. Take note of these five ways you may be inviting pests into your home, and what you can do to stop these nasty bugs and rodents from entering your home.
Leave the Clutter
Many bugs and rodents thrive on a cluttered environment, both indoors and out. Leaving clutter especially in seldom visited areas of your home and yard will allow these pests to easily build shelter inside, giving them the chance to infest your home. If you rest wood piles, yard clippings, or other debris against the foundation of your home, it will soon become an easy point of access for pests. Make the changes to remove these easy points to better protect your home.
Leave Cracks
Lost efforts of your heating and air system isn’t the only thing that will slip between the cracks of your home. Many pests don’t need large entry points, although they will take advantage of these as well. To prevent pests from entering, seal the cracks around your windows doors, and even in weak points of the foundation. This will be beneficial all around to the structure of your home.
Leave Food Out
Insects and rodents both are looking for reliable food sources. This becomes especially true during the winter months. If you want to invite rats and mice into your garage, just leave an opened bag of dog food and wait for them to arrive. It is especially important during the winter months as these pests will not only be looking for food, but shelter from the cold as well.
Bugs love moisture and many of them need these conditions to survive. During the dry months, insects will be looking for a way inside, searching for areas of moisture. Even outdoors, those areas that retain water after storms will be hotspots for bugs. It may be necessary to fill in these areas that collect water to prevent insects from thriving.
Avoid Pest Control
Hiring the right pest control company will be instrumental in keeping pests out of your home. Those who ignore the need to have their homes sprayed regularly will only be inviting pests to stay in your home. Prevent this from happening by scheduling routine pest control services to your home.
Avoid your actions that may actually be inviting pests to enter your home. These, no matter how simple they may seem, will have a major impact on the state of your home.