How to Keep Wasps Away from Your BBQ

They are extremely aggressive. If you want to keep wasps away don’t swat at them! Killing one yellow jacket may be cathartic, but it also causes a pheromone to be released which attracts other wasps. It’s a chemical alarm to alert the troops that war has begun. So unless you’re up for the fight, and willing to face the consequences from your guests, DO NOT SWAT at the wasps.
Okay, minor catastrophe averted. Now we can get into why they come around in the first place, and more importantly, what you can do about it.
In the spring and summer, yellow jackets eat primarily protein. In the fall, yellow jackets begin to incorporate sugars into their diet. Sugar can increase the lifespan and reproductive function of many predatory wasps.
They’re attracted to protein and sugar, so that delicious aroma lifting off of your BBQ is a sure way to attract them.
Repelling the wasps is a great first line of defense. If we are attracting them, what can we do to limit that attraction and furthermore, repel them?
Paper bag wasps nest. How does it work? Wasps are very territorial. Hanging a fake wasps nest via a crumpled paper bag creates the illusion that this territory is already occupied, this can help deter more wasps from coming near your picnic or BBQ area.
Put out sliced cucumbers. This vegetable has an acid property that wasps don’t like. Cut up a few slices and leave them around your picnic or BBQ area. They stay away and you can enjoy your outdoor activities without fear of getting stung.
Going along with a scented repellent as your solution, consider garlic clove and lemon. This simple, harmless ingredient is a natural wasp repellent. Peppermint oil is also known to have the same effect.
If you’re looking for a lasting solution to your wasp problem, the answer may lie in planting some natural wasp repelling plants. A few plants that keep wasps away are mint, wormwood, and lemongrass.
If the scent of the BBQ overpowers your attempt to repel the pests, you may want to consider a different approach to protect your food from wasps.
You can fashion a DIY wasp trap out of what ever you like. The basic principle is to have a funnel that leads down to a container. With bait in the container, it’s an easy entrance and a very difficult escape.
To bait the trap, fill the container with vinegar, sugar and salt. Fill just enough for them to drown but not high enough for them to climb back out.
**Bonus Tip**
Spray the funnel part with some cooking spray so that they slip right in when they land.
Don’t have the time to wait out the trapping method? We have the solution for you, just make sure you’re ready for the chance of an attack. If you have guests or small children, you’ll want to have them all go inside. No need to risk the unnecessary…
Spray them with soap and water. Old fashioned soap and water is the first natural repellent to use. Spray the soapy mixture on the wasp and their nest. The soap will stick to their wings and weigh them down. Eventually they will suffocate.
Don’t swat at them. They have a chemical alarm that will rally the entire swarm.
They’re attracted to sugar and protein. Limit the amount of bait you’re leaving out in the open
Repel, trap, or spray. No matter what your method for getting rid of the wasps, sometimes there are just too many. Know when to throw in the towel and call the professionals. Infestations of yellow jackets into your home will most likely require the expertise of a professional exterminator.
If you’re wondering what to do about your wasp issue, give us a call. Call the experts here at Beeline Pest Control are happy to answer your questions.