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Quick, Guaranteed Yellow Jacket Control

A yellow jacket wasp.
Yellow Jackets may look a lot like the common Utah Paper Wasp, but their nest have quite a different meaning for your family.

These nests start out with a Yellow Jacket finding some small hole that leads into a wall void on your house. By the end of June most of their nests have grown to around 5,000 members strong. But that’s just the start. By late fall, their nests will have grown to 50,000 Yellow Jackets!

Yellow Jackets have incredible “chewing” power and can chew their way through layers of plywood and sheetrock. They will keep expanding the space inside your walls to accommodate the growth of their colony. But when they get to the layer of paint on the inside of your home, they stop there. There is something about the paint that makes them stop chewing. The problem is, at that point, all you have between you and 50,000 Yellow Jackets is a thin layer of paint. We get calls every year from terrified families who have broken through this thin layer of paint having no idea what was awaiting them on the other side.

A Yellow Jacket treatment is quite different from a normal wasp treatment. We will be treating the entry points of where the Yellow Jackets enter their nest. The Yellow Jackets will get this product on their bodies as they enter the the nest and they will take it with them deep into the colony and it will transfer from one Yellow Jacket to the next until it kills off the entire group living inside your wall.

Beeline Pest Control has served the state of Utah for over 25 years. Call now for your quick FREE quote.