What are Elm Seed Bugs?
While Elm Seed bugs are often confused with boxelder bugs, these two distinct species cause their own distinct set of problems. There has been an increase of these pests in Utah over the last couple years, as they crowd homes, and make themselves comfortable here. Learn how to more effectively rid your home of these pests, preventing them from infesting your life.
What Are They?
Elm Seed Bugs weren’t recognized as a pest until the late 1990s, when they infested residents of Northern Italy. Since then they have continued to grow, spreading to more places around the world including the United States as of recently.
This bug has a reddish brown tint, ranging in size to grow as big as a half an inch in length. These bugs can be easily identified from others by a triangle marking on their backs. They began causing trouble in only a few states, eventually spreading their reach.
These pests derive their name from laying eggs in elm trees. Once these young elm seed bugs are hatched they will move into the gutters and under the siding of homes. Those that are able to sneak inside will move up to the attic, creating nests. While these pests are unpleasant for a number of reasons, one of the greatest is their foul smell. This stench is only increased when the bugs are squashed. Unlike other insects, elm seed bugs can live a long time, usually around five years. This means an infestation when not properly taken care of will fester and grow over time, only leading to more problems.
Getting Rid of Them
At this point in time, elm seed bugs aren’t seen as a threat, they are primarily an annoyance. While they aren’t known to carry any diseases and thus don’t carry a health risk, and they are not an agricultural threat, they still are an annoyance that must be addressed. The first step is to keep them out entirely before they can cause trouble. This is done by sealing the cracks in your foundation, and ensuring your home is properly secured. Clean the matter out of your gutters on a regular basis and clear the area of debris directly around your home. These common places for elm seed bugs to hide need to be taken care of, eliminating their shelter.
If elm seed bugs do infest your home, it may be time to call the pest control company. Don’t let the problem fester, instead call and get it taken care of sooner rather than later. Get the stench, and the insects out of your home before more advanced problems can arise.