5 Signs of a Bed Bug Infestation in Your Home Bedbugs are among the most common pests that invade households. They reproduce quickly and bite their hosts during the night to extract blood, thereby leaving red itchy spots or rashes. The main reason why most pest...
Could You Have Bedbugs? How to Spot Them in Your Home Bedbugs are small, flat, oval-shaped insects that have a reddish-brown coat. They are about 4-5mm long and do not have wings. These small insects can cause havoc in any Utah home that they invade. They do this by...
5 Reasons Why You Should NEVER Try DIY Bedbug Treatment Does the thought of bedbugs give you nightmares? So what should you do when your worst fear becomes a reality? Bedbug infestations are a massive challenge that no homeowner wants to deal with, and in desperation...
What are Elm Seed Bugs? While Elm Seed bugs are often confused with boxelder bugs, these two distinct species cause their own distinct set of problems. There has been an increase of these pests in Utah over the last couple years, as they crowd homes, and make...
Earwig Pest Control The summer months usually produce a high population of earwigs in Utah, especially when our area has experienced a very wet spring. This contributes to very good reproductive conditions for this occasional home invader. Once temperatures begin to...