Expert Pest Control Tips & Insights
How Often Is Pest Control Needed in Apartments?
In the battle against pests in apartment living, the stakes are high. Pests like cockroaches, rodents, bed bugs, and ants not only pose significant health risks but also threaten the peace and structural integrity of our homes. Recognizing the different behaviors,...
Ultimate Guide to Getting Rid of Ants in Your Home
Turn Your Home Into an Ant-Free Zone: Proven Strategies to Combat Ant Infestations Ever waged war against a tiny, six-legged army in your kitchen? Those ants scouting your countertops aren’t just after crumbs; they’re plotting an invasion. Ants are the ultimate...
Utah’s most common and dangerous spiders
Black Widow The black widow is considered the most venomous spider in Utah as well as all of North America. Known for their distinctive appearance, females are typically about half an inch long, shiny black with a large globular abdomen and a red hourglass on their...
5 Tricks for Snails
Go Snail Hunting If it feels like you’ve got a never-ending stream of snails coming through your yard, you may be on to something: a single snail can slink into your garden and lay up to 80 tiny eggs at once! To protect your garden from potentially hundreds of hungry...
Termites in Utah, how to get rid of them
Early Termite Detection Saves Money Because so many Utah homes are likely to experience termite infestations, it pays to be proactive in controlling their populations. Beeline Pest Control technicians are trained to spot early signs of termites and develop strategies...
Health and Safety Risks of Mice in Your Home
Key Bullet Points: Mice carry diseases like salmonella, hantavirus, and Lyme disease, posing a health risk to humans and pets. Mice cause allergic reactions due to proteins in their urine, droppings, and saliva. Mice contaminate food and surfaces, leading to potential...
How to Get Rid of Ants in House and Kitchen
Ants are the most common household pests in the United States. There are many ant species. Ants create nests, establish trails and form colonies. A colony of ants has the queen. Ants are the unwanted guests in a living environment. There are different varieties of...
How to Keep Wasps Away from invading your home
How to Keep Wasps Away from invading your home Wasps are a big problem for house owners, who spend too much time outdoors. If wasps don’t allow your family to enjoy BBQ in your garden, you need to take action immediately. Luckily, there are effective pest control...
How to Keep Wasps Away from Your BBQ
Wasps They are extremely aggressive. If you want to keep wasps away don’t swat at them! Killing one yellow jacket may be cathartic, but it also causes a pheromone to be released which attracts other wasps. It’s a chemical alarm to alert the troops that war has begun....
Mosquito Control: Protect Your Home and Yard
Mosquitoes are the annoying insects that cause a lot of stress to the residents of the United States every year. Mosquito bites are so itchy. It’s also important to note mosquitoes are responsible for transmitting a number of diseases such as Chikungunya, Dengue...