Insecticides and Children

Strides have been made to ensure insecticides are safe to use in and around the home, especially for young children. Because their bodies are still developing and may not have the protection needed to fight against these potential toxins, it is more important than ever to choose a pest control company that uses insecticides that are safe to use around children. Beeline Pest Control uses insecticides that have been tested and proven safe. Still it is important to understand the harm some of these insecticides have the potential to deliver. As parents be aware of these potential dangers, and what should be done to take care of them.

Understanding Insecticides

Since they were first developed, insecticides have come a long way. These products are a shoot-off of pesticides along with herbicides and fungicides. These products can come in many different forms. These include liquids that are sprayed onto a desired area, gels that are placed between cracks of the foundation or other similar areas, and pellets that will be consumed by pests. Some of the most common pests here in Utah that can be eradicated with the help of insecticides include ants, wasps, bed bugs, spiders, june bugs, and box elder bugs.

Properly Dealing with Insecticides

Depending on the insecticide, there can be damage delivered to those who come in contact with it, especially young children. This is why it is so critical for someone who is certified to spray your home to be called rather than taking on this task yourself. Insecticides that are sprayed into the air can be harmful for infants’ or children’s lung development, especially if they are known to have lung sensitivities. To help your children be safe around insecticides, it is important to teach them:

  • Never touch or play with pesticides. Even the empty bottles can still be dangerous for children.
  • Don’t play in a yard that has just been sprayed with pesticides, especially if it is not your residence. you don’t know what kinds of insecticides other companies may be using.
  • Learn more about bugs and the ecosystem and the important balance that must be found here.

Protect your children from potentially harmful insecticides by selecting the companies that instead use safer methods to control pest populations in the home. By learning all you can about these differences your family, children, and pets will all remain safe while reducing the bug population in and around your home. Contact us here at Beeline for more information, or if you’d like to schedule a visit.