Pests By the Month: A Yearly Pest Calendar

Did you know that pests experience migratory problems? Each season, bugs alter their behavior based on the weather in the same way that humans do. The trick is learning to anticipate what they’ll do and when they’ll do it. Otherwise, your home is vulnerable to infestation from many different kinds of critters. Fortunately, you can plan for this. All you need to learn is the behavioral pattern of the most irritating critters. Use this guide on monthly pest habits as your yearly pest calendar.
Rodents are your biggest concern during this harsh winter month, as they scurry indoors to survive the cold weather. You’ll want to seal up any holes or other entry points in your home to ward off potential guests. Also, keep the food in your cabinets, refrigerators and trash clean and sanitary. Otherwise, you’re not only hosting mice and rats but feeding them as well.
Cockroaches are the biggest concern this month. Their nesting patterns lead to the hatching of an entirely new generation of cockroaches each February. You’ll never get rid of them on your own if you allow hatching. Your best bet to prevent it is to keep all food and water secured away from roaches.
Termites, sugar ants, and spiders all increase in population, but termites represent the greatest danger. If they get in your woodwork, you’re looking at thousands of dollars in potential damage. Thankfully, they can’t survive without a steady supply of water. Insulating your pipes creates a barrier that will cause termites to die of thirst. All you must do is remember not to leave water out anywhere else in your home.
Carpenter and sugar ants are the two greatest worries. A productive way to protect your home against an ant invasion involves baking soda. Sprinkle a bit of it into a bucket of water. Then, douse your carpets and other flooring with a small dose of this solution. Ants hate the smell, so they’ll avoid your home.
The middle of spring is tick season. You’ll want to spray your yard and garden with pesticides to reduce the odds of tick bites. The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) recommends that you consider “a professional pesticide company to apply pesticides at your home.” In other words, you should leave pesticides to the experts.
During this month, fleas are not only the bane of your existence but also that of your pets. You’ll want them to wear flea collars at all times to protect themselves. Collars will also kill off the insects before your animals accidentally bring them into your home. You should also keep your yard freshly mowed and your shrubs trimmed during the summer.
Bees, wasps, and other flying insects with stingers are on the prowl during the dog days of summer. One way to avoid a painful sting is by wearing personal bee repellent, a product you can find at most retailers. You should also avoid leaving sugary foods such as fruit in places where they might attract bees. Flying insects love the smell of sugar.
Mosquitoes are aggravating throughout the year, but late summer is when they’re most dangerous. An underrated way to avoid mosquito bites is to use outdoor fans. Mosquitos avoid regions where they have difficulty maneuvering. Alternately, leave some garlic cloves near sitting areas. They hate the smell of it.
House centipedes love the period when summer changes to fall. They’re difficult to catch and their bite is more painful than that of most bee stings. By walling up the cracks in your home, centipedes won’t have an entry point. Also, spraying pesticides will keep them from moving inside.
Spiders are the worst problem during the fall. They love the nooks and crannies of your home and are also attracted to light. That’s because moths and other bugs fly into the light and die, making bright areas a wonderful source of food. You can prevent spiders from webbing up your walls by using scents such as cinnamon and peppermint.
Flies love the seasonal change from fall to winter. You’ll see them everywhere unless you cut off their food supply. Get in the habit of sealing your garbage. That way, flies won’t find any sustenance near your home.
Bed bugs are a huge problem during December, a popular month for travel. You’ll want to follow several steps to avoid accidentally picking up bed bugs during your travels. If you suspect that you have bed bugs, immediately wash your sheets and all clothing you’ve worn recently. You should use a warmer cycle, as the temperature should be at least 122 degrees to kill bed bugs.
Since you’ll struggle to avoid bugs each month, you should heed the CDC’s advice. Schedule an appointment with an exterminator by calling Beeline Pest Control at 801-544-9200. We’ll protect your home from pests all year.