Top Signs You Need Pest Control Immediately

Helping you decide: When to call pest control

In today’s DIY culture, many homeowners who notice the beginnings of a pest infestation try to handle it themselves rather than calling a pest control company. Knowing when to call pest control isn’t easy, partially because pest problems can vary in size and type. Sometimes, an infestation requires stronger methods than those you can find at your local home improvement store.

Here are six reasons to call the experts to deal with pests.

Problems Don’t Respond to DIY Treatment

When many people first see the signs of home infestation, they immediately run to the department store to buy over-the-counter anti-pest sprays and traps. While this is certainly not a bad idea, it is important to remember that these store-bought solutions can only do so much. While a few traps might help with a single mouse, for instance, the mouse that you see may only be indicative of likely dozens more living in your walls. If simple traps and sprays fail, it is time to call professionals.

Rat trap with cheese

Pests Prove Too Resistant for Home Treatment

Some types of pests become so resistant to sprays and traps that any effort spent trying to apply those solutions will have no impact. Bedbugs, for instance, appear small and easily conquered, but can survive almost all commercially available pesticides. You might spend time and money on DIY solutions, but you’ll still become a meal at night. At the first sign of bedbug infestation, call in a pest control company, rather than letting the problem fester and create a worse headache for yourself in the future.

Your Family Experiences Health Problems

Many pests bring with them attendant health problems. For example, if a member of your household is allergic to bee stings, leaving a hive in your backyard could represent a serious health risk. Similarly, a rodent infestation can contaminate your food supply with waste and lead to accidental ingestion. If the pests you have carry any risk to your personal well-being, involve the professionals immediately.

Your Pets Seem Under-the-Weather

Beyond your health, the well-being of your pets might depend on your decision to call an expert pest-control agency. Fleas and bedbugs can carry blood-borne pathogens from one animal to another, and very small animals might be at risk of attack by vermin. Maintaining a healthy food supply area for pets also becomes an issue, providing your unwelcome intruders with a place to feast and creating a vector for contamination. Look for bites on your pets or skin rashes that could suggest a problem pest.

Your House Sustains Damage

Insects like ants can burrow into the surfaces of your house, and mice will make holes in the walls. Worst of all, termites will eat the home right out from under you, leaving you with weakened wood. After a few months, walking across your floor becomes a hazardous notion. Your home is your most valuable investment, so protect it by bringing in pest control professionals early.


Pests Destroy Your Personal Property

Beyond damage to the house, pests can also cause severe damage to your other belongings. Mice will shred books and stain clothing with waste matter. Certain insect species can also eat their way through your valuable library, and bedbug infestations can force you to rid yourself of your furnishings. The sooner you hire a pest control team with the experience to remove your particular infestation, the more you can rest assured that your valuables are secure.

Know When to Call Pest Control

When you call pest control, you’re enlisting the help of professionals who can quickly and safely deal with a wide range of pests. They can rapidly identify and cure pests, allowing you to recover your home from unwelcome intruders.
Rather than googling “pest control company near me” and hoping for the best, contact us to ensure you get the best pest control company available.

It is almost always a good idea to involve pest control professionals sooner rather than later. Call 801-544-9200 to get in touch with some of the best pest fighters in the business and to make the first step in returning your life to normal.