Cooler weather drives bugs indoors

Have you ever wondered where bugs go when the weather gets cold? As summer bids farewell, the cold season sets in. And it’s likely that bugs will seemingly disappear or reappear, depend on the circumstances. Cooler weather drives bugs indoors, where it’s warm.
While birds and some insects follow a migratory pattern and head off to a warmer climate, some bug species seek refuge somewhere near their territory. Other kinds of bugs just die off. If your home happens to be where these bugs are, you’ll need to find some way to deal with them.
Once they get in, it’s highly likely that they will stay year round. You can’t blame them. If they find food and experience comfort and warmth in your home, it isn’t likely that they’ll leave once the cold season goes away. What may seem like a bug hotel may become a permanent residence.
Survival is the name of their game while you are most concerned about keeping your home pest-free. That’s entirely understandable. After all, who wants to share their home with such undesirables?
A Change of Season
As the weather goes from warm to cold, insects will try to make their way into your home. Some may be an ordinary sort of nuisance, but some can also cause considerable disturbance to your peace and comfort. Some bugs are a hazard to your clothes and other valuables.
Insects like clothes moths, carpet beetles, and pillbugs will destroy your household furnishings. Meal moths, bran bugs, cockroaches, and common ants will occupy your kitchen to get to your food items. Spiders, box elder bugs, and centipedes are commonplace but can look pretty scary to kids.
Prevention is key to maintaining a bug-free home. There are many ways in which these insects can gain entry into your home, so seal up. Open doors and windows, wall cracks, chimneys, and gaps in the ceiling are more than enough spaces for them to pass through. Do you bring some of your outdoor plants inside as it gets cold? Be aware that those planters may have bugs in them. It’s also possible that they get into other objects which get carried into your home.
Tiny crumbs and spilled sweetened beverages attract ants and roaches, so clean up quick. Keep leftovers in airtight containers. Use glass or hard plastic containers since mice won’t hesitate to chew through the flimsy material; they’ll rip open plastic bags or containers. Don’t forget to store your fruits and veggies in the fridge, or other airtight containers. Fruit bowls are pretty inviting for fruit flies.
Pests love dark nooks and baseboards. Vacuum and mop often. Wet spots and standing water in the bathtub, in the shower area, or under the sink are like an oasis for thirsty cockroaches. Check the pipes for leaks to make sure there aren’t any leaks.
Contact Us
When household pests drive you crazy and you feel there’s not much you can do about it, let us help you. Our highly experienced pest control professionals will take care of the problem. Call us at 801-544-9200.