Where are Pests Living in Your Home?
Every pest is different in how they will damage and infest your home. Looking for the obvious signs of infestation is important, along with recognizing some of the most common bugs, rodents, and other pests in your area. Recognize the early signs of pests in the home before they have the chance to further spread.
Common Pests and Their Hiding Places
Each type of pest has adapted to survive. Because of this, they are sometimes able to go undetected for far too long within the walls of a home. Learn the hiding places of the most common pests and make sure they aren’t able to hide in your home:
Ants are a major annoyance in the home, having the capability to spread quickly throughout the home. They will enter during the warmer months looking for water and food. Look particularly in the kitchen, where they will be searching for food, or the bathroom, where the excessive moisture will draw in the ants.
Bed bugs are one of the most feared and invasive species of bugs around. They will easily be transported in fabrics throughout the bathroom, including mattress covers.
Both mice and rats are able to quickly multiply, turning a small annoyance into a huge problem fast. They will nest in the corners and within the walls of the home, not venturing too far from these areas.
Termites have caused more homes to be damaged than fires every year. Watch for the signs of termites such as wood shavings in various areas of your home and discarded wings.
Wasps are a major annoyance in the yard that will defend their space by stinging potential dangers. Watch for wasp nests in your yard before they can grow any larger.
Be aware of the hiding places these common pests will take, and know what to do once they are revealed.
Clean to Eliminate Hiding Spots
Most pests will thrive in dark, hidden, dusty spaces. Eliminate the dust and other dirty elements from the corners of your home to disrupt their hiding places.Vacuum regularly to remove cobwebs and other problems. Pay special attention to the kitchen and bathroom where pests are most commonly found, never leaving food open or on the ground.
Protecting your home against a pest infestation is crucial. Start out by identifying the places where these bugs and rodents can be found. By cleaning these areas on a regular basis, you will more easily protect your home from infestations.