Beeline Pest Control Blog | Expert Pest Tips & Advice - Page 13

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Mice are going to be seeking warmer shelter

Posted by: admin On: 11/03/2015

As the days get shorter and the nights come earlier, temperatures can drop a bit faster and stay longer. Cooler evenings can take its toll on everyone, including the animals. Among the affected animals are mice. These tiny creatures are sensitive to the cold. Among the creatures of the outdoors, mice need warmth the most, […]

How often should I get my house sprayed for bugs in Utah?

Posted by: admin On: 11/03/2015

When was the last time you had your home sprayed for bugs? Some homeowners say the last time they had it done was years ago; other say a couple of months back. This brings us to the most important question: How often should you get your home sprayed for bugs? The answer, however, depends on […]

Bed Bugs in Salt Lake City

Posted by: admin On: 09/18/2015

Bed bugs. They used to be nothing more than a footnote in a children’s nursery rhyme, and now their name alone inspires righteous fury from homeowners, renters, and parents all over Salt Lake City. As an increasingly prevalent issue facing more and more individuals and families, bed bug infestations have been on the rise in […]

Don’t Give The Hobo Spider A Home This Season

Posted by: admin On: 09/17/2015

  What You Should Know The Hobo Spider is one of the most dangerous spiders found in Utah. They are most active and commonly found from August through October when they are mating and preparing for winter. The females search for a warm place to lay their eggs which is why they are found in […]

10 Tips To Prevent Bugs In Your Home This Winter

Posted by: admin On: 09/11/2015

Our favorite way to spend the cold winters in Utah is by getting cozy inside of your warm and happy family home. We can snuggle up in your beds, next to the fireplace, or in the kitchen while you cook our favorite soup. Some of us may die before winter ends but don’t you worry […]

10 Natural Bug Bite Remedies

Posted by: admin On: 08/20/2015

Bugs are the worst. But what is even worse than bugs? Bugs that bite. When you get bit by an insect, you get to deal with the annoying and sometimes painful aftermath for days. For the next time you or your loved one becomes a victim of a bug bite, remember these natural bug bite remedies to help get rid of the pain, itchiness, and swelling.

Keeping Your Restaurant Pest-Free

Posted by: admin On: 07/21/2015

Pest management is mandatory for every restaurant. The presence of even one pest can cause a restaurant’s image and reputation to go down the drain, jeopardize customer and employee health due to diseases spread by pests, and potentially lead to a lawsuit and permanently closing the restaurant doors. Take the proper steps to maintaining a successful business by keeping your restaurant pest-free.

Why Cockroaches Love Your Home

Posted by: admin On: 07/13/2015

Think you may have cockroaches? Read to find out what to look for and why you may have a cockroach infestation.