The Brown Recluse 101 The brown recluse is one of the most well known and dangerous spiders living in the United States. True to its name the spider hides in rarely visited areas of homes including attics, storage rooms, and old piles of junk that have long been...
Things to Look for When Buying a Home Buying a new home can be an exciting, overwhelming, and frightening experience all in one. While you are generally looking for the features you want most in a home, it is important to also know what problems to look for, and how...
Pests that are Less Common in Utah There are some pests that are so common in Utah they seem to affect every neighborhood in some way or another. These insects do damage to our homes and yard, creating more problems the longer they are allowed to stay. While fighting...
Why Should You Spray Your Home in Fall? The fall season is here and with it comes the stresses and preparation it takes to transition into winter. Among the different preparations necessary, spraying your home for fall is crucial. Don’t give bugs an easy way to infest...
Signs of Bedbugs While bedbugs are typically thought of as residing only in filthy homes, the truth is these pests can survive just as well in homes that are clean. Learn to identify the signs of bedbugs now to help identify if you are suffering from this problem. The...